Be Part of Central Oregon’s First

Housing Navigation Summit

Tuesday, December 12th, 8:30 am-4:30 pm

The Hanai Center in Bend, Oregon

Central Oregon FUSE is hosting an in-person training and networking event to support the advocates on the front lines of ending homelessness in our community. Please join us in this collaborative effort to enhance our skills, connect with fellow advocates, and collectively make a significant impact in the lives of those we serve.

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. We are making waitlist notifications on Monday, December 4th, and will send further event info to attendees.

Looking for Housing Navigation information?

We had over 100 people sign up for the Housing Navigation Summit! Unfortunately, we couldn’t accommodate everyone, but now that we know how important these topics are, we plan to host this event again in Spring 2024.

Sign up to receive 2024 event updates and to receive a digital copy of the resources shared at the 2023 Housing Navigation Summit.

If you were waitlisted for the 2023 Summit, you are already on this list.

Other Learning Resources:

About the 2023 Summit

The Housing Navigation Summit is designed for case managers, peer supports, housing advocates, social workers, and others working directly with unhoused clients in Central Oregon. Please note that space is limited, and participants who represent agencies with the following memberships will be prioritized: 

Build Your Skills to Support Client Housing Access

Training topics will include:

  • Housing Vouchers 101

  • Fair Housing Law & Tenant Rights

  • Working with Property Managers

  • Moving Forward with a Criminal History

  • Resources to Overcome Common Barriers to Housing

  • Reasonable Accommodations & Appeals

  • Housing Navigation & Application Basics

  • Local Affordable Housing Resources

Network with Local Housing Advocates!

  • Meet other awesome folks who are busting barriers to housing!

  • Learn from local housing experts & share your knowledge!

  • Help shape a new cohort of Housing Navigators for ongoing trainings & networking events.

COIC and FUSE are collaborating to cover the costs of this training so that the staff of our partner agencies can access this critical training material FREE OF CHARGE. This unique opportunity is made possible in part through State Executive Order 23-02 funding provided through COIC.

Contact Hours available for THWs & CHWs.

Event Logistics

11/6/23: Please note that these details are preliminary and subject to change. Attendees should check their confirmation email for updated event information. This page will be updated as possible.

Location: The Housing Navigation Summit will be held at the Hanai Center at [address] in Bend. Please arrive at 8:30am on Thursday for check-in and a light breakfast.

In Case of Inclement Weather: We will email and try to text all registered participants by 4pm the day before if winter weather poses a travel risk that requires a delayed start or rescheduling.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Happy Hour Hors d'Oeuvres provided. We will share the planned menu with enrolled participants before the event and work with the catering company to accommodate any dietary restrictions. Please stay tuned!

Cell Phones: We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to learn with us. If you need to take a brief call or send more than a quick text, please excuse yourself to minimize distractions to others. Please keep cell phones on silent.

Attire & What to Bring: Please wear whatever you're comfortable wearing for a full-day of professional training (no need for business formal here!). The event will be indoors, but we suggest having layering options. You should also bring your water bottle and business cards to share.

Mobility Accessibility: This event will be held at the Hanai Center in Bend, which is a modern, single-story space with accessible restrooms and ample parking. You can view facility details on their website. Please indicate on your registration form or reach out to Colleen at if you have any accessibility needs or questions. 

Childcare Stipend: If the cost of childcare poses a barrier to your participation, we may be able to reimburse your costs. Please indicate on your registration form if this would better support your participation in the Summit, and we will send you a reimbursement request form.

Translation Services: With advance notice, we are happy to accommodate translation of the event and materials. Please let us know if you or a colleague requires written materials in an alternate language or format, or if having ASL or language translation would enable participation.

Mileage Reimbursement: This are not available for individuals whose employer covers employee mileage. However, if you represent a small agency that cannot afford transportation costs and the cost of travel is a barrier to attendance, we may be able to reimburse your mileage costs if you live more than 20 miles from the event. Please complete the Support Request portion of the Registration Form and reach out if you have any questions.

Fragrance-Free Event: For the health and safety of facilitators and participants, it is important that everyone come fragrance-free to this event. Please refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, cologne, and fragrant personal care products (this might require some planning ahead!). For more information visit